Day 4: Where are the Shooting Stars in Adopt Me?

Day 4: Where are the Shooting Stars in Adopt Me?

Hi everyone! Welcome to day 4 of Adopt Me’s Shooting Star search. If you’re wondering where to find all 30 of the stars today, take a look at my list below:

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  1. In Front of the Nursery
  2. At the Top of the Fallen Tree near the Campground
  3. At the Campground, above the Camp Store
  4. At the Campground, behind the Showers
  5. On the Side of the Grocery Store, facing the Beach
  6. Under the Bridge leading into the Beach
  7. At the Beach, on the left side, on the Diving Board
  8. At the Beach, on the left side, floating near the Light by the Waterfall
  9. At the Beach, on the left side, across from the Waterfall on a Jagged Rock
  10. At the Beach, on the left side, past the Waterfall on the side of the Rock
  11. At the Beach, on the Platform to the Back Door of the Lighthouse
  12. At the Beach, right past where you found #11 on the Rock
  13. At the Beach, on the Back Side of the Lighthouse at the Top
  14. At the Beach, on the Right Side, in the Wood holding the Light on the Waterfall
  15. At the Beach, on the Right Side, above where you found #14
  16. At the Beach, on the Right Side, floating above the Pool on the Waterfall
  17. At the Beach, above the shop, floating near the sails in the boat
  18. At the Beach, on the Right Side, on the wooden dock
  19. At the Beach, on the Right Side, behind the Beach Sign
  20. At the Stoller Shop, on the side of the building facing the Beach
  21. At the Stroller Shop, above the Hot Air Balloon
  22. At the Playground, above the Trees in front of the Trampolines
  23. At the Playground, floating above the Swingset
  24. At the Playground, on the Ledge by the Wooden Swing
  25. At the Toy Shop on the Railway
  26. At the Car Dealership on the Front of the Building
  27. On Top of the Hot Air Balloon that takes you to the Skycastle
  28. At the Skycastle, on the Right Side in the Wood near the Bottom
  29. At the Skycastle, floating above the Wheel
  30. At the Skycastle, on the Ledge to the Back Door

That’s all for today! See you tomorrow, and Happy Hunting!!