Hello everyone! Welcome to another day of hunting Shooting Stars in Adopt Me! Wondering where to find all 50 stars? You’re in luck – check out my list below:
- At the Nursery, in front of the building
- At the Pet Shop, on the building, near the sign
- At the Hospital, on the right side of the Roof
- Behind the Gifts Billboard, on the Tree Trunk
- Behind the Hospital, floating above the Wooden Dock
- At the Campground, in the Tree near the Shop
- At the Campground, on the Giant Tree
- At the Campground, behind the Showers
- Behind the Premium Home Spot by the Campground, in the Giant Tree
- At the Grocery Store, on the Roof
- Behind the Grocery Store, on the Giant Rock
- At the License Building, on the right side
- On the Wooden Bridge, leading into the Beach
- On the Side of the Gray Bridge at the Beach
- At the Beach, on the left side, on top of a Palm Tree
- At the Beach, on the left side, on the Diving Board
- At the Beach, on the left side, under an Umbrella
- At the Beach, on the left side, floating by the Light on the Waterfall
- At the Beach, on the furthest Island in the sand
- At the Beach, by the Backdoor to the Lighthouse
- At the Beach, near the Top of the Lighthouse by the Light in the Back
- At the Beach, on the right side, on the Wooden Pier
- At the Playground, floating above the Swings
- At the Playground, in the Blue Slide
- Under the Bridge by the Neon Cave Door
- At the Salon, on the Giant Rock by the Front Door
- At the Toy Shop, in the Blue Gift
- At the Toy Shop, on the Railway outside the Building
- On Top of the Hot Air Balloon that takes you to the Sky Castle
- At the Sky Castle by the Wheel
- There are 20 (Including the SPECIAL STAR) on the Moon
That’s it for today! I hope this helps a lot – see you tomorrow!