Hello! Welcome to update day! Here’s where to find all 30 shooting stars, including the newest edition – 1 Special Star.
- At the Nursery, on the side of the Building
- At the Nursery, Floating above on the left side
- Above the Pet Shop
- At the Top of the Hospital
- Floating above the Wooden Bridge Behind the Hospital
- At the Campground, in the Blue Tent
- At the Campground, behind the Showers
- At the Grocery Store, on the side of the building
- At the Grocery Store, on the Roof
- On the Wooden Bridge heading into the Bridge
- Under the Bridge leading into the Beach
- On the Side of the same bridge (facing the Beach)
- At the Beach, on the left side, on the Giant Rock
- At the Beach, on the left side, on the Diving Board
- At the Beach, on the left side, on the Light hanging near the Waterfall
- At the Beach, on the left side, across from the Waterfall on the Jagged Rock
- At the Beach, on the left side, far back corner next to the Palm Tree
- At the Beach, on the Right Side, on the Light near the Waterfall
- At the Beach, on the Right Side, also on the Light near the Waterfall
- At the Beach, on the Right Side, floating in the pool above the Waterfall
- At the Beach, on the Right Side, on the Diving Board
- At the Beach, on the Right Side, behind the Beach Sign
- At the Stroller Shop, on the Side of the Building (Facing the Beach)
- At the Playground, on the Top of the Tree in Front of the Trampolines
- At the Toy Shop, in the Blue Gift
- At the Car Dealership, on the Side of the building near the door
- At the Car Dealership, in the Side of the Car on the Roof
- On Top of the Hot Air Balloon that takes you to the Sky Castle
- By the Backdoor to the Sky Castle
- Special Star: At the Beach, on the Right Side, on the Wooden Dock
That’s all for today! Tomorrow, we will have access to the Silver Dome – which seems like it will give us an early opportunity to collect a Royal Moon Egg. The next Gumball egg is the Moon Egg, so I’m so excited to see what Adopt Me has in store for us with this update!
And don’t forget to check out the Vending Machine update – you can now get two new pieces of pet wear, a vehicle, and the new Prism Snake. 🙂